43 Birthday Party Ideas for Kids

We wanted to explore how to make the humble birthday party the most joyful day you’ve had this year – even if it’s not your kids’ actual birthday we reckon there’s plenty to celebrate.
So without further ado and of course sticking to the social distancing guide lines of your state or territory lets dive in.
The first thing on your list should be to brainstorm how you can enjoy the day as much as your kids. Yes, you! It’s been a wild year and there’s no reason to get stress about a party. Remember nothing good comes from comparing yourself to Instagram influencers or even Suzie down the street. So get yourself a note pad or journal and brainstorm what food you want and, what the kids will eat it too. And, what music and drinks will make you as joyful as the hyped-up kids will be.
Let’s move on to the kids! What games did you like as a kid? We love to keep it real and screen free around here so we made a list of the old school games we played at parties when we were growing up:
- Pass the parcel
- Pin the tail on the donkey
- Limbo
- Musical chairs / musical statues
- Treasure hunt
- The chocolate eating game – knife n fork and a dice
- The donuts challenge – eating donuts off a string
All total classics and crowd pleases in our opinion. You could also consider:
- A colouring table with crayons, pencils and butcher paper
- Reading nook or reading tent
- Play-Doh or slim table (if you’re game)
- Dress up station
- Face painting
- A piñata
But what about a theme I hear you say, what’s a kid’s party without a theme! Below is a list of themed birthday party ideas that we just love:
Artists Inspired Party
Would your child give Jackson Pollock a run for his money? Or maybe they’re an aspiring Stan Lee? If you want a party that’s a little different why not embrace the arts! Studies show that creative people are better able to live with uncertainty because they can adapt their thinking and flow more easily with the unknown. Serious stuff right, now let’s make it fun. Here’s a list of ideas to get you started:
- Decorations – use paint swatches as a happy birthday garland
- Decorations – use balloons, material, anything you can get your hands on that’s loud and colourful. For the best impact group your colours together
- Game – draw the object; think toys, food, trees, clouds
- Game – scavenger hunt, find something that matches a list of colours
- Activity – finding and painting rocks
- Activity – bubble blower painting
- Food – separate food by colour
- Cake – what about the Palette Cake from the classic Women’s Weekly Cookbook (any excuse to pull that out!)
Need present ideas? Check out our Artist Kit, Comic Book Kit, Drawing range HERE.
Under the Sea Party
If you can’t get to the beach for that special day why not bring the ocean to you. Whether it’s pirates, mermaids or sharks that gets your kid excited an under the sea themed party is a great way to explore the ocean and it will undoubtedly have the best party sound track too.
- Decorations – think blues, purples and greens, use crape paper as sea weed & clear balloons strung together to make the shape of waves
- Decorations – tie 8 strings of crepe paper to a balloon and voila you have an octopus
- Game – walk the plank; use a table cloth on the floor and a plank of wood along with some shark fins you’ve made out of cardboard and you’ll have a super fun game
- Game – seaweed limbo, just add crepe paper to your limbo stick
- Activity – paint sea shells and string them together to make a necklace
- Activity – pirate dress ups, make eye patches for all the kids with cardboard and elastic
- Food – make individual blue jelly cups with lollie sharks hiding inside
- Prizes – chocolate ‘gold coins’ are the best treasure for an ocean party
- Music – play the soundtrack from; the Little Mermaid, Moana, Shark Tale or Lilo and Stich
For ocean themed gifts, check out our ocean themed page HERE.
Cars & Trucks Party
Some kids are just obsessed with cars and trucks, if this is your kid then why not double down and go, go, go get yourself excited to host a cars and trucks party.
- Decorations – black n white checker everything, with red, yellow and green 'traffic light' balloons
- Decorations – make or print road signs like STOP, SLOW, Road Work Ahead
- Game – tire race; get some inflatable pool tires, make an obstacle course and push the tires along the ground, then race to find a winner
- Game – egg and spoon race; replace the ‘egg’ with a small toy car and get racing around an obstacle course
- Food – brownies with red, yellow and green ‘traffic light’ MnMs
- Cake – the Women’s Weekly birthday party cook book has THE BEST number 8 cake ever
If you need gift ideas for car and truck obsessed kids are click HERE.
The Unicorn Party
Unicorns are enchanting creatures, here’s a few facts you should know before you host a unicorn party. Firstly and most importantly, a unicorn’s horn is called an Alicorn and it’s so magical that it can purify water. Unicorn’s live in groups of four or five and a baby unicorn is called a sparkle. Now you know the important stuff here’s a list of ideas to get you stated:
- Decorations – think pastel colours, crape paper & glitter
- Decorations – balloon garlands actually aren’t as difficult as they seem, all you need are balloons, fishing wire and something to hang the garland to
- Game – pin the alicorn (horn) on the unicorn
- Game – ring toss with an alicorn
- Activity – unicorn slim (regular slim, just add glitter)
- Food – anything colourful like hundreds n thousands and marshmallows
- Cake – you can use an upside-down ice-cream cone as the alicorn and add it to any cake
For gift ideas for the unicorn lovers check out all our products featuring unicorns HERE.
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